Sunday, January 20, 2013

Update: 10 weeks


So I am 10 and a half weeks right now and still feeling pretty good.  Actually, not good, which is good.  Really tired, nauseous, not interested in food, all good signs!  So here's what's happened in the last month.

We went back for another ultrasound with T at 7 and a half weeks.  This was the first time we would see the baby past the time we miscarried last time, so it was scary.  The heartbeat was there and strong, but there was some placental tissue that was concerning, so we went to a formal ultrasound at the hospital.  The tech wouldn't let Stephen come in this time either, but she let him sit right outside the door.

She had the screen turned away so I couldn't see anything, and I know they're not supposed to tell us anything.  This time she was friendly, which was good.  I asked if she could at least tell me if the heartbeat was there, and she told me she didn't want me to worry and the heartbeat looked good.  She started with an external ultrasound and said she could pretty much see everything.  She wasn't sure why I was in there, I guess because everything looked ok to her, which was comforting.  I showed her the picture of the ultrasound earlier, so she also did the internal ultrasound just to make sure she got everything.  She was encouraging, and said her sister had just gone through fertility treatments and had twin boys.  So I think she was sympathetic to me because of that.

T actually stayed late at work so she could get the results, and called the radiologist who looked at the ultrasounds and analyzed them on the phone with her.  He/She said it was within the range of normal for placental tissue and we should just keep an eye on it.  While this wasn't bad news, it wasn't as encouraging as we were hoping for week 7.

At 8.5 weeks we went back and this time, we did get the "everything looks great" we hoped for.  The baby had grown like we'd hoped, the heartbeat was strong, and the placental tissue had moved away from the baby.  We were no longer considered high risk, so it was time to go to a regular OB.

T recommended one in Elk Grove, who was actually my old OB, and one in Point West.  If we chose the Elk Grove doctor, we would deliver at the South Sac Kaiser.  If we chose Point West, we'd deliver at Roseville.  Roseville is a huge, beautiful, and new facility, which would be nice.  But we went to the South Sac maternity area and a nurse actually showed us around.  The hospital isn't new, but the maternity ward is really nice.  All the rooms are large and private, the baby stays with you, you labor, deliver, and stay in the same room (unless you have a C section of course), and it's very secure (there's a security guy outside the door and you have to be buzzed in the doors to get in).  Plus, it will be nice to only have to go to the Elk Grove for appointments.

So we decided to go back to my old OB, which we never wanted to leave in the first place.  When I got pregnant in May and was spotting, my OB was out of town and we had to get an ultrasound right away, so we got sent to someone else.  For some reason, Kaiser switched her to be my primary OB.  We really didn't like how she handled everything with the miscarriage, and Stephen didn't even like her from the beginning.  So I called and got switched back to my original OB and our first appointment with her is tomorrow.

It was actually pretty funny when I called to schedule an appointment, they asked the normal questions (are you taking any medications, etc) and scheduled me for a phone appointment next Friday.  After everything she asked if I knew approximately how many weeks I was, and when I said 10, she said "oh....uh....hold on."  I guess she assumed I wasn't very far along and apparently they try to get you in before 10 weeks.  So she sent a message over to the doctor and they got me in tomorrow.  We already had several ultrasounds, all with Kaiser, so they could see them if they needed to.  But now we get to see the baby again, which is always nice.  And we're almost to the second trimester.

I still feel a little distanced, like I'm still trying to guard myself.  But every day it breaks down a little.  And starting to tell people makes it more real.  And some of my pants are getting tight.  :-)  But I have lost weight in the last few months, so most of my pants were getting baggy, but the couple of smaller pairs I had (that had started to fit) are getting tighter.  We continue to pray and hope, and take it one day at a time.

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