Saturday, December 22, 2012

No Oops!

*Note, I actually wrote this about a month ago, but never published it.*

I swear the machine I was in was bigger...

So we went in for another MRI to see if the doctor had made a mistake on the surgery.  Last time, even though I had worn sweatpants, a tshirt, a sports bra, and a hair twisty with no metal, I still had to wear a hospital gown.  So this time, I wore normal clothes and didn't worry about it.  When I got there, he said because I was wearing jeans, I would have to change.  When asked, he said I wouldn't have had to change if I'd worn sweatpants.  Apparently different MRI techs have different opinions.

This time I didn't have a gown, I had fancy gauze-ish blue shorts.  Basically like the disposable hospital gowns, but sewn into shorts form with the elastic on the top.  The were baggy and came down to my knees.  Coupled with me socks that I still had on (to keep my feet warm), I was totally in fashion.

I had a very "been there, done that" sort of attitude going into the whole thing.  Until he said he would pull me out about halfway through to inject me with something.  Say what?  There were no needles involved last time.  Totally not okay, I HATE needles.  Now you're going to stick me in a tube and make me wait 20 minutes to get stabbed and then stick me back in the tube?  Not cool, dude.  Not cool.

It really did psych me out a little.  Last time I just sang along with the crazy loud poundings of the machine.  This time, I was trying to sing songs, but I kept having a panicky feeling rise up.  I know it's a total mental thing, and I did it before, so I can do it again.  But it was much more difficult to stay calm.  What's funny is when I was desperately trying to think of songs, the songs that came to mind were songs from when I was a kid.  The old Psalty tapes and movies we used to listen to were the songs that came to mind.  I think it was God's way of helping me calm down.

Anyway, I made it through without squeezing the panic ball.  And best of all, the results were good.  The septum is gone, so now we are just back to dealing with the PCOS.  Which is what we thought we were dealing with in May.  Six months later, we can start trying again.

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