Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Kaitlyn's First Month

The first week of Kaitlyn's life, we were in the hospital, which I posted about here.  After we got home,  we took it easy for the first week.  A few visitors, mostly family, but we were pretty overwhelmed with the whole newborn stage of life (and my recovery).  But here's a few pictures from her first month.

My grandma, my mom, me, and Kaitlyn: 4 generations.  My grandma took a bad fall not long after this and has been struggling ever since, making this photo even more special.  If you could keep her in your prayers, it would be much appreciated.

She would only sleep if she was being held, and desperate times call for desperate measures.  Stephen plays a game on his iPhone to amuse himself.

We had a cradle set up in our room, but about a week after we got home, Kaitlyn got a head cold.  She was congested and if we laid her flat in the cradle, she couldn't breath.  The pack n play napper was slightly elevated, so it worked better.  The worst nights we spent holding her in a recliner, though.  And nursing in the bathroom with the shower on to steam up the room.  No fun.


Our first trip out of the house was to my parents for dinner.  Grandma's always happy to lend helping hand.

More alert.

More accurate portrayal of how we spent the first month.  Being colicky, she was pretty much eating, asleep, or crying.

Stephen's grandma, Kaitlyn, Stephen, and Stephen's mom.  A picture that is also extra special.  His grandma was very sick here and this was one of the last events she remembered well.  She passed away on Kaitlyn's one month birthday.  She was an incredible woman of God and is terribly missed.

Matching 49er jerseys for the first 49er game.  Kaitlyn has some growing to do to fit into hers...

First picture in the chair with her bunny.  We have one for each month.

First submerged bath, which she did not like at all.  It may look like she's yawning, but she was crying.  We're still struggling with making bath time pleasant (at 11 weeks).

Proof she's not bald!  Her hair is so blonde, most of her pictures make her look bald.

A week later.

Figuring out this whole infant thing together.

Our cat, BJ, is unamused by the new "visitor" and prefers to sleep in his sunbeam.

And that was the first month!  I will write more about the difficulties, because I think it's important that other new moms know it wasn't rainbows and butterflies for us.  We're both good with kids and babies, but still had a really hard time.  But that's a future blog post!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. I like babies at around 4 months on. They really see the whole room and follow people and have personalities and become like little people....start reaching for toys, put stuff in their mouths...If you don't have a bumbo yet be sure and get one. Once she's holding her head up good and sitting on you with a straight back they can sit in them and usually they really like them. You can put them on the counter next to you when you are cooking or doing dishes. That way you are right there with them and they see you and most times they will stay happy for awhile while you try to get something done.
