Saturday, March 30, 2013

19 weeks

Here's a couple of pictures showing a little growth:
11 weeks

17 weeks

It doesn't look like much, but I am definitely bigger.  At 11 weeks I could still wear my regular clothes, although they were getting a little bit tighter.  At 17 weeks there were a few things I could fit in to, but I was much more comfortable in maternity clothes.  Pants/shorts in particular.  My regular pants and shorts would still button, but they were tight and because of where the waistband was, made it look like I'd eaten too much the night before.  Wearing maternity pants makes me look pregnant instead of overweight.  Which is always good.

At our last appointment, at 15.5 weeks, the doctor said she could probably tell the sex of the baby.  But then the baby did not cooperate.  It was kicking and moving around, but keeping its knees together.  Stephen says if it's half as stubborn as we are we're going to have a hard time finding out the gender.

We have another appointment next week (we'll be a day short of 20 weeks).  It's just the monthly OB appointment and I don't think she would normally do an ultrasound.  But I'm hoping we can convince her to look.  The official gender ultrasound isn't until April 8th, and I am dying to know!  Although it is going to be very dangerous for me to be in baby stores once I know the gender.

I have felt a few movements in the last week, which is cool.  Mostly little popcorn like feelings.  One felt more like a kick or punch (when I was lying on my stomach to check my phone in the morning and apparently encroached on the baby's space).  I wish I could feel it more or that they were stronger.  I know it's still early to be feeling movement, but it's hard not to worry.  

It's hard to believe we're almost halfway there.  It feels like it's been forever, but I am looking forward to the second half of the pregnancy.  The first half has had a lot of worry and fear.  I don't think it will go away, but when I can feel the baby moving through the day and have that reassurance that he or she is okay, it will be really nice.

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